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Korea-China-Japan Young Scientists Workshop LED Korea Representative, Professor Jang, Ja-soon N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2010.10.12 14:20
  • Views : 12981

Young scientist that represents the nation in the LED sector
Participated by leaders of Korea, China and Japan, expected to promote interest in \'green technologies\'
[May 10, 2010]

 Professor of Jang, Ja-soon (38, Department of Electronic engineering, photo) of Yeungnam University will be participating in the \'1st Korea-China-Japan Young Scientists Workshop\' as the Korean representative in the LED sector.

 This workshop, which will be held as a secondary event of the \'Korea-China-Japan summit meeting\' in Jeju-do on the 29th and 30th, will attract young scientists of the 3 nations in Northeast Asia concerning the theme of \'Green Wave to Open an Environment-Friendly Future\'.

 The workshop will be on four main categories and 19 sub-sectors of Green IT (Power IT, Smart Grid, LED). Green Energy (Atomic Power, Nuclear Fusion, Solar Power, Solar Cell, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Secondary Cells), Green City (Urban Regeneration, Environment-friendly Architecture, Green Traffic, Ecological Area Establishment), and Green Environment (Carbon Circulation Monitoring, Climate Monitoring/Forecast, Ecology Monitoring, Water Circulation Monitoring, Water Resources Management, etc).

 KISTEP (Korea Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning), which is hosting the workshop, selected 20 experts in the different fields, and Professor Jang was selected as the Korean representative for the LED sector in the Green IT category. A group of candidates for the workshop were selected through rigid screening after being recommended by relevant industry-academic-research institutes, as well as research foundation pools, green development pools, and experts.

 In the last five years, Professor Jang published 35 SCI theses in the LED sectors, made 30 presentations in international academic conferences, and possesses 3 international patents and 19 domestic patents. Such astonishing research accomplishments shows that Professor Jang is a young scientist that can represent the nation in the LED sector. Professor Jang is currently leading the \'Yeungnam University LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center\' in which 41 billion won will be invested for the next five years from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, local governments and cooperating businesses, and is pursuing the development LED-IT platform technologies and commercialization technologies with the goal of creating the \'World\'s Top 3 LED Fusion Industrial Complex\' and \'LED Fusion Industrial Hub of Northeast Asia\', while also constructing a patent bank and patent technology map, as well as developing an LED-IT fusion industrial complex model.

 Prior to participating in the workshop, Professor Jang emphasized the importance of LED fusion technologies by stating, \"LEDs are truly a great invention that it may be called the revolution of light of the 21st century. The possibilities are infinite when combining it with IT technologies that exceed time and space, and we can only imagine how much revolutionary changes will be brought about for our lives. First off, people will feel for themselves just how much their surrounding environment has changed. Once all the lights that surround us, such as street lights, automobile lights, home lighting, and neon signs on buildings, are changed to LEDs, we will not only be able to cut expenses used for power, but also live in a much more pleasant environment.\"

 Meanwhile, leaders of Korea, China and Japan are also scheduled to stop by the workshop and encourage the participants, and thus international interest on green technologies can be expected.