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Orientation for Korean Government Scholarship Program (MASTER/DOCTER) N

  • Writer 국제지원팀
  • Date : 2011.02.10 16:47
  • Views : 12447

Dear international students:  

You are invited to an orientation for Korean Government Scholarship Program for Master or Doctorate programs, sponsored by National Institute for International Education.

We are looking for international students who are able to recommend qualified students for the program.

Please read the attachment thoroughly before you come to the orientation.

Date and location are as follow:

1. Date: 2011. 02.16. (Wednesday) 14:00~15:00

2. Location: International Center #318 (Building with Daegu Bank and KFC)

If you have any additional question regarding this orientation, please contact at yuiss@ynu.ac.kr.

or 810-7882~4. Email contact is preferred.



Office of International Programs