About YU


Lecture Support system will now be available in English N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2011.03.31 18:00
  • Views : 13122
To the International Members of Yeungnam University:

The Yeungnam University Lecture Support system(http://cyber.yu.ac.kr) for Professors, Undergraduate and Graduate Students will now be available in English for your personal convenience starting from March 31, 2011 (Thursday). Members will now be able to use the Lecture Support system in English for the following functions:

1) Lecture (Lecture Support)
Members may use this function for uploading and downloading notes, supplementary documents, assigning and
submitting reports, checking Syllabus, using discussion boards, sending SMS, and registering Prof.\'s
assistant, etc for their current classes and lectures.

2) Cafe (Lecture Cafe)
Members may use this Lecture Cafe to create a cafe, search the cafe, join the cafe, post on the discussion
boards, and manage the discussion boards and members in the cafe.

3) Message
Members may use this function to write and relay messages to specific individuals or to all students in
their lectures. Members may also read other posts and maintain current and past post messages as well.

*To begin using the Lecture Support system in English, please refer the attached file below. If you are in
need of a specific portion of the Lecture Support system to be translated, please contact:

Institute of Information and Computing Systems
Line extension: 1735, 1742. E-mail address: webadmin@yu.ac.kr